
given the chance

my knee hurts, ouch. i cannot wait to be able to sleep on my side and curl up in a ball. sleeping on my back is so difficult. and i can't wait to stand up straight. and jump on a trampoline. there are so many things that i took advantage of before that i cannot wait to do when i can. even just going outside, i can't wait. i'd seriously rather be working at a shitty job, or be in school in a class i hate then sit at home all day watching what women want and law and order. god, even just sitting up straight without my hip hurting after 10 minutes is going to feel awesome. at least i have tim allen and will smith to cheer me up.

well, a good thing about this is my mom is going to let me get a tattoo to cover up the scars on my thigh, so i'm siked on that. getting a sailor jerry ship with "i can't force these eyes to see the end" around it. so as soon as i'm able and healed enough to get it, i can. mmm.

another good thing is i'm trying to get at least one piece done a day, which so far i've been doing since i got to my grandparents. it sucks that i don't have my camera though, i'm actually kind of pissed about that, because then i could at least take more pictures to use. guh. but, on that note, here is what i did today. view full size please.


Caro. said...

Random comment, sorry.

I'm sorry your leg hurts. I know what that's like with my stomach. I can never find a comfortable position to sleep in.

Awesome picture, by the way.

Jamie Jasta said...

thats me in the background!! yay i'm art!!!