
late dawns and early sunsets

the past few days have been good, saturday jackee and eileen came to see me and stayed for a few hours, and that was really nice. we watched the fugitive and talked about how harrison ford can really do anything. then yesterday janine and matt basically spent the entire day with me, and jacci stopped by too. it was really nice to talk to her, because she went through the same thing as me, so she knows exactly what i'm going through. we watched a few movies, and went out on the patio and watched all the animals outside. it was fun. and tomorrow molly and ace are coming over with the babyyy, i cannot wait to see the beautiful bundle of joy for the first time.

seeing all those people made me feel a lot better. i'm also starting to do a lot of things on my own, and i'm now able to lift my leg on my own. its crazy the amount of progress i've made. i can even get up and go to the bathroom on my own if the walker is in reach haha. i've even managed to kind of sleep on my side, which is also wonderful.

for the past three days i haven't been able to stop listening to lights, i love it. its so cute and makes me feel good. i can't find the other songs she has besides the ones on her EP, and the only way i could get those is from ripping them from youtube videos haha. butt since the girl is so cute, i made a graphic of her. sorry i didn't post any for the past two days, i had people over durning the time i usually make them haha

view full size please!

1 comment:

julie said...

the bg on this page is so gorgeous- i just noticed it. did you make it?? and also, ha, yeah, that painting was a project for myself since i had a semester off. i did it when i still had free cable a few months ago. :c but i got my bf seasons 1 and 2 for xmas and they are at my house so it's all good. seriously, make those hats.